We Can Finally Say It… We’re Expecting!
In Episode 18 we finally shares the big news—we're expecting! We open up about the joy, anxiety, and emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy after loss, reflecting on our journey from heartbreak to hope. Plus, I share how they broke the news to our family and my students!
In Episode 18 we finally shares the big news—we're expecting! We open up about the joy, anxiety, and emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy after loss, reflecting on our journey from heartbreak to hope. Plus, I share how they broke the news to our family and my students!
“We’re Having a Baby!” – After months of keeping it secret, Lauran and Jordan finally share their biggest news yet. But why did it take so long to tell everyone?
“Morning Sickness? More Like All-Day Torture” – Lauran thought she was in the clear… until one morning changed everything. What made her realize she was in for a rough ride?
“The Nose Knows—And It’s Betraying Me” – Lauran’s superhuman sense of smell made even Jordan’s normal scent unbearable. But what exactly did she think he smelled like?!
“A Pregnancy Reveal Gone Wrong?” – Lauran planned the cutest way to tell her students… until the first three letters of their word scramble spelled something very, very unfortunate.
“Food Betrayals & Unexpected Cravings” – Peanut butter used to be a staple. Now? Just the smell made Lauran cry. What other foods turned into her worst enemy?
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Lauran: The scent of you was even disgusting.
Theme: What did I do?
Lauran: We're we're gone.
Hi guys. Hi. How are you? We're fine. Are you
Jordan: old yet?
Lauran: We are apparently. Don't ask any of my fifth graders 'cause. I'm, they're grandparents, essentially. I, I don't even know why, like, the, the comments the kids make anymore, like, they don't bother me. They don't really hurt. But when you're, like, I don't know why, but when you're young as a teacher, like, fresh out of college, and they make comments like that, it, like, cuts so deep.
Because you're like, I'm, I'm just like you. You're just like me. Like, you're, you're still a baby, and They don't see you that way. They're like, you're as old as my mom, but I mean now we've actually officially reached The age where kids think we're elderly, even though we're not.
Jordan: Yeah, but like, older people still think we're young, so we're in this weird, like, in between.
We're in the, uh
Lauran: And we're past the quarter life crisis stage, so, I mean, we can't even claim that.
Jordan: We're in age limbo.
Lauran: I feel like we've had to do a lot of growing up this year especially.
Jordan: Wow. What a sago.
Lauran: What a sago. S best sago.
Jordan: We've done so much growing up. We have, we've done so much growing up. I've gone from 31 to 31 and a half
A lot of aging has happened over the past six months, and now my back hurts six months more worth of pain than when I first turned 31. So.
Lauran: Well, yeah, I feel that. I feel that on a whole nother level. I feel that. Oh, that's good. Yeah, I don't think I've ever had so much back pain in my life. I feel elderly. I really do.
Jordan: Should I get your walker?
Lauran: Yeah, seriously. I, oh my gosh, it like, we just gotta, we just gotta spill it. Because I want to tell all the things and I can't tell anything. Until we just spill the beans. Then spill the beans! So, uh, if you guys have been around for a minute, while, I mean, our podcast hasn't even really been around for a minute, but we did an episode a while back where we talked about Bumblebee, who was our baby that we lost, um, by miscarriage, um, back in October.
And right now, as we're filming this episode, it is currently mid March. Um, and then When we talked about our trip to DC, that trip was kind of like a little like turning point for us because when we got home from DC, I kind of just had a feeling. And I took a test, and we're having a baby! Yay! Yay!
Streamers! Yay! Um, but we've been waiting to tell you guys because I wanted to, like, there's so much to be said about just, like, anxiety that goes along with, you know. Like pregnancy in general and like that itself is a thing, but then like, I feel like there's an, there's also another whole aspect to being pregnant after going through a miscarriage that just like heightens that anxiety also.
So for the first, like, obviously the first trimester, we were kind of just keeping it hush hush. Like we told our family and like a few close friends, but we really like. Just recently started telling people around us that like aren't in our direct circle So it's been like it's been one of the like most exciting most scary most alone Times of our life because like we want to celebrate it, but like we couldn't tell anybody yet It
Jordan: had this air of like, okay, we gotta like really make sure this time.
Lauran: and and And that's not necessarily true. Like I know of many people who like share their journey and share it. Throughout the whole pregnancy, you know, come what may, but I just me personally, I almost felt like I didn't want to jinx it. Like I didn't want like to share the news and then have to rescind it.
And that just would have broken me. So um, we waited and you're never like, I hate the term people use for like when you get out of the first trimester, they're like, Oh, you're out of the woods. And it's like, no, you're never truly out of the woods. Like, cause you know. Things could happen at any point, but it feels safer at this point that we could at least share it and talk about it now.
Um, so yeah, we're excited to, to share that news with you guys, and I'm actually I'm gonna be exactly four months on Sunday. So we're almost halfway. Almost halfway. Yeah. Almost, almost halfway. And that makes sense to why I was saying all that stuff about not moving as fast and being tired and having back pain because man, I, there are so many things about being pregnant that I totally thought wouldn't even hit until like the second or third trimester, like later.
Mm-hmm . In the pregnancy and like. The back pain was one of them. I was like, Oh yeah, back pain. Because you're basically carrying a watermelon for like ever. No, it's always in forever. And like, it starts really early. I've had back pain for how long now? Since
Jordan: day one.
Lauran: But like, I think it really started like amping up towards like week, like eight to 10, like somewhere around there.
Jordan: I don't know. I was going to say, I think it's ramping up more now because you woke up in the middle of the night last night and you were just like, my back.
Lauran: No, but for real, like if I like lay weird or if like, and it's not even just like laying on my side or anything that hurts, but if I just lay down, I cannot physically, like before I could just like pick up my body and like move it like scooch on the bed.
Now it's like a whole ordeal, like moving on the bed, like art. Light in our bedroom randomly turns on and it's the ghost light. So I don't know
Jordan: what it is in the
Lauran: middle of the night I have to reach for the remote to the fan to shut it off And it was just out of reach and I was like, Oh no,
Theme: I know. I was
Lauran: like, Oh, I was like, Oh,
Theme: you woke me up.
Lauran: sorry.
Theme: No,
Lauran: but it's like those things that you don't realize happen very early or like having to pee a lot. Like I thought that didn't happen till later either, but it all, like, I guess, and I'm not a doctor, so don't take my medical. You know, assumptions as fact.
Jordan: You're not a doctor.
Lauran: I'm not.
Jordan: Why do you have a stethoscope?
Lauran: Um, but like, I guess, so just a couple things I looked up, maybe it was wrong, but the back pain is because like when your body is like expanding to accommodate like a baby, it's pressing on like the nerves and stuff in your back.
Jordan: Yeah, that makes sense.
Lauran: So that makes sense. And then like the peeing a lot.
Like, yeah, they're sitting on your bladder, but they're not very big yet. And it's because of like the hormones in your body.
Jordan: That makes sense.
Lauran: Right. I like, I've learned so much. I
Jordan: thought it was the baby just using your bladder as a speed bag.
Lauran: No, that's later on. Oh,
Jordan: okay. Yeah. That's later.
Lauran: But it's been crazy.
It's been great and crazy at the same time.
Jordan: How's the morning sickness?
Lauran: That was freaking terrible. Oh my god. Really,
Jordan: when it first hit you, it really wasn't morning sickness. It was more just sickness.
Lauran: Yeah, it was just 24 hour flu every day of the year. Like
Jordan: troubles
Lauran: the troubles. I see. I'm not kidding. You guys like the week before it hit because like my mom kept asking me, she's like, how you feel?
You feel okay. I was like, yeah, I feel great. I'm like, yeah, I remember
Jordan: this was because we told our family back in December and we had a wedding the, uh, the Saturday after Christmas. And I remember going to that wedding and your mom asking, yeah, Either it was either when we got back or like before we left.
He's like, are you feeling fine? You're like, yeah, I feel great. I'm nothing wrong that Sunday.
Lauran: No, it was the next day.
Jordan: Yeah, Sunday, Saturday fall or Sunday follow Saturday.
Lauran: Oh No, I I didn't think it was that same week, but no it was Oh, okay Because we're still off the next pregnancy brain is so real But anyway,
Jordan: I was gonna say because you were you were still off.
Um, and that was the last week you were off You're right.
Lauran: You're right
Jordan: and sunday. It was just like death took over I
Lauran: woke up at five in the morning and I laid in the bathroom next to the toilet For like three hours in the morning while Jordan was still asleep. I just like, I just couldn't stop throwing up.
It was constant. I was like, I'm going to have to go to the hospital. I'm like, I can't eat anything. I can't drink anything. I was crying the whole time. I was like, how do women do this more than once? I'm like, this is enough for me. I love my baby, but I am good. Like I am good. This is a one time thing. Like I was.
I was hysterical because I just couldn't stop. No, I felt, I just felt so
Jordan: bad. And then the one, I felt, I was like, I don't know what to do anymore because you were so sick and you were getting that heightened sense of smell. Oh
Lauran: my god. At one point, the scent of you was even disgusting. What did I do? I get a shower every day.
No, like, but it's a real thing. Yeah. Like, you didn't do anything. Like, you weren't not showering or putting on cologne or anything. Like, you were doing your normal routine like usual. Yeah. And you, like, Jordan usually smells really good and has like, he always wears cologne I like, and he always like, just smells good.
But like a few times you would come up close and like give me a kiss and I would have to get away from you so fast because it was the smell of your skin. Like I could smell your organ. I
Theme: don't know what to do, guys.
Lauran: It's not anymore. Like that part went away, but like, I seriously, I could smell the dogs from like a mile away.
I could smell you from a mile away, the The kitchen, like, don't even bother going near the kitchen.
Jordan: I'm gonna call you the nose.
Lauran: I was the nose. The nose knows. Oh my
Jordan: god.
Lauran: Because it was, it was a rough time, guys. It was, I was sick constantly for like the whole last week of my winter break and then the whole first week going back to school until I finally got on medicine.
Um, obviously check with your doctor. I'm not telling you to take medicine. Don't take my medical advice. However, if you are pregnant and also going through the troubles of morning sickness, I urge you to ask your doctor if you are allowed to take B6 and Unisom, because it is a miracle worker. Like, I'm not kidding you.
They, like, my, like, uh, doctor. Put me on, um, three, like, doses a day of, of Unis like, a half a pill of Unisom, and then, like, a B6 tablet, like, a 25 milligram tablet, and it changed my world. I
Jordan: do feel bad. I have I was telling I was talking to a co worker about it, and he was like, Oh, yeah, they told my wife to take that when she was pregnant, but her body was, um, too sensitive to, I think, the Unisom, and she would have, like, Like hallucinations and sleep paralysis really bad because it's a sleep aid
Theme: and her body
Jordan: was just too sensitive to the like The Unisom or the Unisom was too much for her body and like, yeah, you can't take that So luckily because of that like the insurance company finally accepted like Zofran or whatever they prescribed for that They wouldn't
Lauran: accept mine.
Jordan: so because of that they were like, yeah well, like we'll accept like the prescription for Zofran and like pay for it and everything but she was like He was like, yeah, the Unisom was just too much for her. Dude,
Lauran: I felt like I was like, I was stocking up. I like bought like three whole bottles of B6.
Unisom, like these, you can't use the gels because it's, you have to cut the tabs in half. So you have to use like the powder tabs and I kid you not, I felt like, I was like, this is the most desperate I've ever been to find a medication in my life. I called, like, four different pharmacies, no one had it, and then finally, like, Giant Eagle had it.
Yeah. So, I, I got on the phone with his pharmacist, and I was like, I'll be there after work. Please hold it for me. She's like, I'll put your name on it. I was like, thank you. I'm like crying
Jordan: on the phone. Even to, because we went and we had to get another bottle of it for you. Even now, with, um, you being four months pregnant.
There's no unisom. I got you the last bottle. I don't know if everybody I bought it before I
Lauran: need it because I know I'm gonna run out.
Jordan: Well, I was gonna say, I don't know if everybody in our area is either pregnant or just can't sleep. I think that's it. It's one of the two things. There's something
Lauran: in the water.
Jordan: No, I, I don't know.
Lauran: But it's serious, like, okay, so then, like a week ago, um, I started feeling better. Like, I, I realized that I wasn't really getting sick. I was only, like, throwing up when I would take my pill wrong, and it would make me, like, gag, and I would throw it up. Listen, I take pills weird. I know this.
Jordan: weirdest way.
Lauran: I know this, okay? I tried taking it the way you take it. I can't do it. You just
Jordan: put the pill in your mouth. And then you drink water, and it just goes to where it needs to go.
Lauran: No, it gets stuck to my mouth or my tongue. I have been
Jordan: taking
Lauran: medicine
Jordan: since I was a little lad. I know. And never in my life have I had this idea of drinking water, tilting your head all the way back so it creates like a little pool.
Yeah! Dropping the pill in the pool. And then drinking the water.
Lauran: I don't know about you, but that's it's
Jordan: asinine
Lauran: the superior way. It is
Jordan: not it's so weird
Lauran: I know but it's the only way I can do it. I i'm weird. Okay. I'm, sorry I mean, I don't care as long as the
Jordan: medicine's taken. It's just weird. I
Lauran: was taking it and like when I would I don't know, like, it would like, hit my gag reflex and make me throw up, so then I would like, I was like, oh, I'll just take it the moment I wake up, so that if I do throw up, I'm not messing up my makeup, I'm like, okay, I can go get ready for work, and my, like, my day is set, and, I tried, Going without it for a day because I was like, I'm feeling better.
Like, I'm not getting sick. I'm not nauseous. Like, we're into the second trimester. So I think maybe it's getting better. I stopped taking it for one day. That first day I felt okay. And then the second day hit, and I don't know if it was also a combination of just not getting enough sleep that night because I didn't take the Unisom, but I did not feel good.
Well, I was thinking about that, like,
Jordan: I was like, oh man, it's gonna be rough after the pregnancy because your body's so accustomed to Unisom. Dude, my body is so
Lauran: used to Unisom right now, that's the only way I can fall asleep. Which is a problem,
Jordan: but that's a problem for future
Lauran: Lauren. And
Jordan: you already struggled going to sleep beforehand.
Well, that's the
Lauran: ADHD. So, I mean, but I asked the doctor and he said, like, you're able to take it. It doesn't affect anything. You can take it the whole time. Cause I literally, after it stopped me from getting sick, I started researching like crazy cause I was like, Why don't more people know about this? I'm like, is this a commonly known thing?
Or is this some like mystery combination that not a lot of people know about? Cause there, I see like horror stories of other women who just go through like hyper emesis and like just are constantly sick through their entire pregnancy. I'm like. Have you tried B6 and Unisom? Like worked wonders for me. I
Jordan: just, I just want to say it doesn't work
Lauran: for everybody.
Jordan: Hyper emesis is such a pretty word for just throwing up a lot. Yeah,
Lauran: it is. Well, the whole thing is hyper emesis gravidarum. Like it just sounds cool, but it's not. It sounds like it's not so put
Jordan: together, so professional and it just means throwing up a lot.
Lauran: Yeah, it's, oh my God. But that was honestly the worst part.
And then. Like once I started getting on the medicine, I felt way better and I was like back to normal life
Theme: Yeah,
Lauran: but the funny part was like because you get Aversions like but way before you get any kind of cravings and anything like that you get aversions to different foods like things just gross you out or make you want to vom and it's just Awful.
Jordan: Can I just tell mine?
Lauran: Sure.
Jordan: I was going to say, you can tell whichever one you want first.
Lauran: That was the one I was going to tell, so you go for it. No, go for it.
Jordan: I was going to say, I was like, tell yours, but okay.
Lauran: Cause this was still at the point where I wasn't on the medicine yet and I was just trying to suffer through eating anything at all.
Jordan: Yeah, so you were eating just whatever would just stay down. I
Lauran: survived off Sprite and nibbling Ritz crackers. And the one day you decided, yeah.
Jordan: And the one day you decided, oh, I'm gonna venture out. I'm gonna add some new foods because I'm feeling a little better. When
Lauran: you, when you're like sick like that, they recommend, it's called like the brat diet.
Mm-hmm . And it's like bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast.
Jordan: Yeah.
Lauran: So I said, can you cut up a banana for me? Yes. So he cuts up a banana . I'm sitting at the counter,
Jordan: I cut up the banana. Your, I forget if you were in the pantry. Or at the table.
Lauran: I was sitting at the counter and then I was like, maybe I'll try to, to eat something with the banana.
Jordan: Yeah. So you're like, can you put peanut butter on toast?
Lauran: No, just on the plate. I was just going to dip the banana in the peanut butter.
Jordan: Peanut butter on a plate.
Lauran: Man,
Jordan: really? Wow. We were that desperate. Okay. Peanut butter on a plate. You go to eat the peanut butter immediately, just rejected from the body.
Lauran: Just the smell. I didn't even put it in my mouth. I literally smelled the peanut butter. I started crying. And you
Jordan: were just like, I don't like peanut butter anymore.
Lauran: Because I love peanut butter and that's my like one of my staple breakfast things is like a bagel with peanut butter or like sometimes I'll make multi grain waffles and I'll put some peanut butter on them or Nutella on them and I'll just eat it like a sandwich, but I didn't like the smell of peanut butter.
It was disgusting, but now, like, thank God I'm over that. I can, I can eat peanut butter again. One thing I'm still terrified to eat is pasta. Cause pasta You have,
Theme: you have tried it and
Lauran: it has worked. No, I took one bite, that does not count. Ah, that counts. That, that counts. No. Because pasta, like pasta going in is not the same as pasta coming out.
It's not like I just did. I'm sorry. I am like scarred for life until I don't know when I'm going to get brave and try it again, but like not for a long time. I, I try like at first because that's the thing is like
Jordan: lunch and rigatoni
Lauran: raving. I was craving mac and cheese. Like I wanted mac and cheese so bad and then I Oh, and I was eating the mac and cheese, like, it didn't really taste all that great, but like, it wasn't terrible, and then, like, it would be
Jordan: bonza.
Lauran: Bonza's
Jordan: terrible. No,
Lauran: but even, even without the bonza, like, just any mac and cheese, it's a noodle. But I ate the mac and cheese, and then, like, immediately after that, just right back out, like, completely whole, right back out.
Jordan: I think it was in the sink, too, and I just was looking, I was like, oh, that's gonna be fun for the garbage disposal.
Lauran: then Same thing at work. I felt bad because I brought, like, I had made, like, a spinach and Like sausage pasta a couple days before and I brought some for leftovers at work. And like Casey my co teacher and I like she knew at the time already But I told her I was like i'm sorry if I throw up in front of you I can't help it and like I will try to make it to the bathroom If I don't I apologize and she's like it's fine.
Like I really it's not gonna bother me. You're okay so I go To eat my lunch and I was like so hungry. I ate the lunch it's amazing it tastes great and then just like you get this feeling and you're just like And I just turned around into the trash and just right back out. I was like,
here's my lunch. I'm like, it's, it was that, um, listen, it's, we can laugh about it now because we're out of that point. Yeah. But when you're in it, man, you're in it and it's, you're in
Jordan: the trenches,
Lauran: you're in the trenches. Like. We can talk about it now because it's, it's over, but
Jordan: I did like the time you were on your way down to that conference in Columbus back in February, and you called me and you're like, I had to throw up in a parking lot in front of people.
Lauran: that's the height of my, the height of my life is actually having to throw up in front of people in a parking lot. Yeah, that poor
Jordan: KFC coming back up.
Lauran: At least it was in a trash can. I had
Jordan: to smell.
Lauran: No, cause, I mean, you didn't stay there and smell it! That's gross! Oh my god! I'm
Jordan: just saying, like, I just have to smell.
Lauran: Oh my god. But anyway, now we're to the fun part where we get to like, Yeah! Pick stuff out and have a fun little gender reveal party for our family. Cause
Jordan: we know the gender.
Lauran: But they don't. They don't.
Jordan: And you don't. So. But
Lauran: you will eventually.
Jordan: Or you'll never know.
Lauran: Well, there's that too if you don't keep following along or
Jordan: you have to follow along to know
Lauran: or watching my tick tocks and stuff I I'm like, I'm excited for that part now.
Yeah, I'm excited for the fun part of You know getting to just like plan stuff at this point. I like I Just being overly cautious. I know I didn't purchase any baby clothes at all up until Literally this week. Yeah I went on Monday, and, uh, like, I don't know why, I think, cause on Monday I actually told my students at school, and it was so cute, their reactions were, like, amazing, cause I thought that 5th graders would be, like, over it, like, it's not fun anymore, or like, it's not like a, Yeah, you know like something they would get excited about the
Jordan: way you did.
It was really fun You did like the little like mystery with the word scramble. Yeah, I just I also think it's funny that the mystery word scrambles first three letters was ASS Guys,
Lauran: I couldn't plan this out if I tried. Oh my god, you even tried! To like scramble it because you're like, yes! My, my student teacher helped me come up with the cutest way to tell the kids.
She's like, why don't you do like a scavenger hunt around the room and you'll put like sticky notes with different letters that will spell out like a, uh, a coded message. It's like, that's a great idea. Let's do that. So we write out all the sticky notes. I come up with all the riddles using like ChatGPT and we're like ready to go.
So we're putting the stuff all around the room and we weren't putting them in the order that they Would like make the message we were scrambling it all around well Wouldn't you know as luck would have it the first three letters that the kids found were A S S, and they put it on the board and start laughing.
I was like, no, no, I'm like these are not together in the word, in the
Jordan: message And then why did you have them like cuz you filmed it And you had it A S S in a vertical line. I
Lauran: didn't put them up there. Why did you not
Jordan: scramble and put the S over there? Well, we did.
Lauran: After, after, like it, after it was placed on the board and we realized what it was showing, I looked at Casey.
I was like, what are the odds? And then, um, one of the kids went up and like moved one of the S's. So it was like, sad. Yeah. But. We, we were all laughing. I was like, that is not the word. Like, we were dying.
Jordan: Letters, man.
Lauran: But anyway, after that, I was out in, um, like in town and I stopped at like a baby store and I actually bought like a couple clothes.
I had not bought, I haven't purchased anything specific, like, like tiny baby items. Mm hmm. Because I think I was just being cautious and now I feel like I can buy stuff.
Jordan: Except for a collection of little bluey stuffies that we did buy. Yeah,
Lauran: we bought those like way back in like even October we were buying books and stuff when we were having the first baby and the second like things that we bought like we got a couple things off of like Macbids which is like a website you can Almost like eBay.
Yeah, and they were just like really expensive baby items that we could get really cheap So we got a couple of those things, but I was like, oh, well if something happens we can always sell those But yeah, and then we just we did our announcement pictures with our photographer Saturday, so
Jordan: Yeah,
Lauran: by the time this podcast comes out you guys will have probably seen it if you follow my tik tok and stuff Just, like, getting to the point where we get to tell everyone and be excited and, like, celebrate it together and so that was what we wanted to dedicate this episode of the podcast to because it's just, like, it's surreal.
Theme: Yeah.
Lauran: Cause, like, you know, feeling old, like, is it funny that I still feel like I'm a kid and I was like, I can't have a kid. I'm a kid. Yeah.
Jordan: Like, okay, let me ask you. So physically, like you feel older and everything, but like mentally, I don't feel like I've changed since like maybe sophomore, junior year of college.
Lauran: Um, I, okay. I feel like, like personality wise and mentally, I feel like I have like matured and stuff since, since college and whatnot. Just over that like 10 year gap, but in terms of like responsibility, like we're very responsible adults. Yeah. But like, I don't feel like I should be, I'm like, I'm still a child, like, who trusted me to pay taxes, who trusted me to buy a house, like, who trusted me to purchase a car, like, all of those things that adults do, I don't feel like I should know how to do them,
Jordan: you know?
I remember. One of the times I felt like that
Lauran: was, when we built
Jordan: our house, they gave us the mortgage and they put it in an account and it was the, for the full price of like the home we were building and I was just like, I shouldn't have that much money. That's not what like,
Lauran: this is nuts. Yeah. Like they were just going to sign away.
Jordan: You know hundreds of
Lauran: thousands of dollars for us to build a house.
Jordan: Yeah, you're just not you're just gonna Let me hold on to that. I feel like you should hold on to that,
Lauran: right? It was insane like Yeah, there's just so many things that make you feel old but not not Mature, I don't know. I don't know what word i'm looking for.
But like you just don't feel like you are the age you are Yeah, which I guess is a good thing. Yeah, like, you know, if I was 30 and felt like I was 85, that'd be bad but like You Well, physically, I feel like I'm 85 right now, but like mentally
Jordan: old in the bones, young in the spirit,
Lauran: young in the spirit. But like I said, pregnancy brain is a thing.
Like I have been just like
Jordan: two plus two
Lauran: messing stuff up left and right. The other day.
Jordan: Just ignoring my question.
Lauran: Four. The other day.
Jordan: I was concerned there. I was like, wait, hold on. Wait a minute.
Lauran: The other day, I, like, our two friends were over and obviously there's two of us and I was making dinner and I was making everyone quesadillas for dinner and I look around the room and I went, one, two, three, and I made three quesadillas and so I like went to serve the quesadillas and they were like, where's the fourth quesadilla?
And I'm like, four? Oh, me. I didn't count myself. Like, it's just, just little things. You were
Jordan: just being selfless.
Lauran: That's right.
Jordan: Or selfish because you got a slice of everybody's quesadilla. So you can look at it either way.
Lauran: And I didn't have anything else to make quesadillas with because I had used them all.
I had to, they all had to give me a quarter of their quesadilla, so everyone got three fourths of a quesadilla.
Jordan: That's the dumbest thing that I have ever watched you do. I was so, when, because I thought you made a fourth one.
Lauran: I would like to think I'm very intelligent, but there are just some times that I go,
Theme: why?
Lauran: Why? Like, what? Why? What is my brain right now? Oh my god, like. Just so many instances like that throughout the day. Poor Casey is probably like, are you okay? Like, um, but like talking about this, we got on the subject of talking about like things from our childhood that we remembered that were either like really great or like
Jordan: didn't age well, didn't stand the test of time.
Lauran: Yeah, and so we thought it would be fun to, like, before we end the episode, just, like, bring up a couple of our favorite, like, memories of, like, toys or things that we had as kids, um, or maybe some that are not so great memories.
Jordan: I like that. I like that. All right. All right. So you start us off. Oh, I'm starting?
Lauran: What is, what was, um, a toy or something you grew up with that was, like, top tier? Something that you remember that you're like, oh, I want to get that for our kid. Okay,
Jordan: so. It's nerdy.
Lauran: If it was still available.
Jordan: It's nerdy. I think it was from Discovery Kids.
Lauran: Mm hmm.
Jordan: It was a microscope that looked like, it looked like a Mac computer.
It had like the, the like the plastic color on the back and everything. It was like this big screen that was like you'd slide things underneath it and it would show it up on the screen.
Lauran: Yeah.
Jordan: It was just, it's just cool when I think back about it because it was like I keep seeing videos. Is that what got you into
Lauran: science?
Jordan: Oh, absolutely. Um, cause I forget. I think my mom was on a work trip and she came home with it or something. I can't remember how I got it, but like, I was obsessed with it. Like, I would pull a carpet just to look at it underneath the telescope. Like, I was destructive around my bedroom because I was like, I want to see what this looks like.
Lauran: decompose everything in here. Yeah.
Jordan: But it was, and then when I think back on it too, I kind of miss The chunky design of technology from the early two thousands, and then the bright colors, like do you remember the
Lauran: early Mac or the early Macintosh? Yeah, yeah, the early
Jordan: Mac computers. Um, do you remember all the fun colors?
Like the little iPod nanos used to be like they were the bright neon colors. Yeah, and I mean, we were stupid kids, so bright colors were just like, yeah, like this is fun.
Lauran: Even just like the, like I had an iPod, was it? The nano, the one was like skinny. Yeah, it was the tall, skinny one with the screen. Yeah.
Okay. I had iPod. Yeah, the iPod Npod nano.
Jordan: I had a bright, like burnt orange one and it was the coolest color. Mine was just
Lauran: silver, but like I had, I had that thing and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. And then we were just throwing virus after virus on our parents computer with lime wire. Yeah. You know?
Yeah. Pirating music as 10 year olds and 12 year
Jordan: olds , you download the Lincoln Park album and it turned out to be porn like that happened. A lot with LimeWire.
Lauran: I never came across that but that
Theme: was like constant. No,
Lauran: I'll never forget. I was very lucky I I do unless I just burned it from my memory. I don't recall ever running across inappropriate things I
Jordan: will never forget.
I was over my cousin's house and we were downloading. I think this is gonna age me uh down with the sickness from disturbed and it was just File the video that because well you're sitting there and this was like the transition I think from like when like music files started to become like mp4s too because videos can be mp4s And so can music files and it was just a video and it was just like, oh my god.
Yeah, LimeWire was I, I shouldn't say great for that because it was definitely scarring as a child.
Lauran: Well, my, one of my like favorite things as a kid was, did you ever have a teddy Ruxpin?
Jordan: No, what's a Teddy Ruxpin? Oh
Lauran: my gosh, so like, you know how kids these days have like, Tonys, which is like that little box.
Theme: Oh,
Lauran: yeah, yeah. With like the characters they sit on top and they tell stories or sing. Okay, so Teddy Ruxpin was like that, but it was legit a robot teddy bear that was like, you had a robot on the inside, but it was like soft, like a plushie. Yeah. And then, You would flip up like the back of his shirt and it came with these little cartridges
Jordan: a little weird
Lauran: Well, no, I was just like the back of the back of the bear But you would put the little cartridge in and then it came with books Yeah And he would his mouth would move and he would read the books to you and they would have sound effects and they were cool Yeah, it was like my favorite thing as a kid and then Teddy's mouth broke So he stopped like he would Still read the story, but it was just like, uh,
Jordan: a little creepy,
Lauran: but I just, I think my mom still has him.
Oh, really? Yeah. And I was like, I kind of want to go see if we could get back. Cause I would still use that if
Jordan: we could fix his mouth too, because that is cool. That's so cool. Yeah.
Lauran: I love, or even just like, Shut it. So he doesn't just have his jaw on the floor.
Jordan: I feel bad, Teddy, but we're just gonna sew that shut.
Lauran: We're just gonna hot glue. But that was my, one of my favorite toys. I feel like I used that over and over and over again. That and like the SEGA, what was the SEGA thing I had? The SEGA Dreamcast? Was that the laptop looking thing?
Jordan: Oh, no, no. Oh, what was that? I
Lauran: forget the name of it, but it was like, it was a SEGA, like, game system.
And you had to plug like three wires into your TV.
Jordan: Yeah. And then That was every, that was RGB or the Or Red green, or not red green. Oh my gosh. It was red, yellow, whatever the video cables were. Yellow, whatever. Yeah.
Lauran: But like you had to plug the cables into your tv and then it came with like little like books as games and you would stick the book cartridge in and then it was, it almost like.
Folded up like a laptop and it had like four buttons and then a big red button and then like a little scribble pad in the middle and you would follow the game on your TV and they were just a bunch of little mini games that went with like stories and stuff, but like those were, those were my like two that I distinctly remember from when I was little, I would come home from school and just go play Sega and then what was like a, a toy that you.
Look back on and you're like, Hmm, that's questionable. Or maybe not even just questionable, but like something that you look back on and you're like, dang, we really could have hurt ourselves or like, cause I think of like, do you remember like the big collapsible tube? Like the springy tube that you could literally like.
Jordan: Oh, yes. Okay. Yeah,
Lauran: it was just like a tunnel that you would crawl Yeah, you crawl through it. Yeah, it was
Jordan: like it was the cam, not canvas, but like that like canvassy type material. Yeah And
Lauran: it was just like a giant slinky So like what we would do is we would take the tube and we would start it at the top of a staircase And put the tube going down the stairs like a big slide Yeah, and like one person would stand at the top of the stairs and hold up the tube Or like, anchor it down with something.
Yeah. And then another person would slide down the tube. Well, as you're sliding down the staircase of this tube, I'm
Jordan: assuming you're hitting the steps?
Lauran: No, not even the steps, the wiring in the tube! Oh, God. Your butt is just getting like, grazed by wires the whole time you're going down. But it's like, Those are the things that I remember as a kid that I laugh at now, but I'm like, dang, like these kids toys today,
Jordan: there's no
Lauran: way it
Jordan: wasn't a toy.
Lauran: wonder if they still make that,
Jordan: but it was a game.
Lauran: Okay.
Jordan: I'll never forget. Do you remember Red Rover? Yeah, that game where
Lauran: they would like, like you all held hands and like whip.
Jordan: Okay. So I don't know if they still play this, but red Rover was a game for when we were kids and I'm like, it was, it went way back and you'd essentially have a group of two people who would all like.
Hold hands and like link together and create just a wall of people and then you would go Red Rover, Red Rover, let someone come over and that person would then have to run full speed, full speed and try and break the chain link of arms, such a bad game, like such a bad idea, I'll never forget one time we were Like, oh, it was, it was like after like church when I was a kid and we were in this like big field at my, my uncle's church and we were like, I'm talking like maybe 25, 30 yards.
So you could get some like speed doing this. And they called me, so I go, and I run, and, like, I try to break the thing, and I close my, like, close by myself, my feet go up, I land on my back.
Theme: Man,
Jordan: when I look back on that game, I'm like, some surprise more kids didn't get hurt playing this. Stupid game.
Lauran: Some of the games.
So like in my neighborhood growing up, a lot of the kids were the same age, so there we would always like you would be out until it was dark and you'd go home and you know, but we would play all these games outside. And one of my favorite games we played was ghost in the graveyard. Did you guys ever play that?
Jordan: Yep.
Lauran: It was essentially like hide and seek, but like One person was the ghost, and like, they would go stand somewhere, everyone else had to hide, and then you had to try and get back to, like, base, wherever base was, without getting caught by the ghost. If the ghost caught you, then you're both ghosts, and you had to find everybody.
So, like, we played that, and then, like, Scary Carrie, do you remember Scary Carrie? I
Jordan: don't remember, I don't think I've ever played Scary Carrie. It
Lauran: was just like, I think, a game where You would like cover your eyes and they had to like try and you had to try and get past them or something without them Touching you like just games we would play outside But I don't see like I actually teach my fifth grade or some some games Because I'm like guys you don't play outdoors enough like I was still 12 years old running around playing ghosts in the graveyard like I was not playing Call of Duty at that point, but We, like, I teach, I taught my fifth graders, like, ships and sailors, I taught them, uh, I want to teach them dog catcher, did you play dog catcher?
I did,
Jordan: I've played that one, yep.
Lauran: Yeah, I want to, like, those are the things, like, I remember from my childhood that were so fun, and, like, that's kind of, like, I, I'm glad that, like, in the neighborhood we live in, there are a lot of, like, younger kids. Cause then at least our, our kid will have somebody to play with, like, have friends in the neighborhood and like, maybe they'll have the same kind of memories that we had.
So that's kind of just my, my hope for that. I
Jordan: think the only other thing when I look back on it, I was like, wow, why would you let us have these? It was paintball guns.
Lauran: Oh my God. That was awful.
Jordan: I've, I have owned a paintball gun. Cause they used to be really popular, they're not so much popular anymore, now it's more airsoft, but still same premise and everything, but like, Still
Lauran: painful isn't it?
Airsoft still hurts. I mean,
Jordan: yeah, but it's fun. Like, I had so much fun, like, like, I, I owned a paintball gun from probably, I was like 13, 14 was when I got my first paintball gun, and like, I played up until like college. And that is like, when I think about that, like, who's idea was it to give just dumb teenage boys A bunch of, like, makeshift guns that shoot balls of paint at high speeds with very little protection.
Lauran: Yeah, not a great, not a great idea.
Jordan: No, it was so much fun. Definitely worth it. Would do it again.
Lauran: Not with, not with our kid.
Jordan: Oh yes, I will get them a paintball gun.
Lauran: Absolutely.
Jordan: Well,
Lauran: let us know what some of your favorite, like, childhood games or toys were when you were a kid. Maybe. You know, maybe yours were some of ours.
Yeah, or maybe there's something completely different, but I I hope you guys enjoyed this episode I know it was kind of like a little bit more of us talking about us, but I appreciate that you guys Are here for like it was a
Jordan: big announcement. So yeah, I
Lauran: appreciate you guys are here for this kind of journey that we're on and Yeah, we're just really grateful and we are just going to continue to hope and pray that everything goes smoothly and we would appreciate any good vibes you could send our way so that we could continue on and have everything go well.
But yeah, let us know how this episode was if you want to hear more about our journey. Um, through pregnancy and just like the beginning stages of parenthood and things like that. Um, or if that's not something that you want to hear about and you want us to just stick to telling some fun stories and historical adventures, then we can do that too.
Playing some games,
Jordan: escaping some wombs.
Lauran: Yeah, and uh, you know, fightin some landlords, we can absolutely do that. Um, but you can let us know on TikTok and Instagram at humancontentpods, or you can email us directly at hello at wearefinepod. com.
Jordan: And if you want to catch out the visual effects, the full show, eyeball wise.
You can go to Mrs. Wooley in fifth. Why are you laughing about Mrs. Wooley and fifth at YouTube? What are you laughing about? The whole show eyeball wise. Yeah. I like that. Check it out with your eyeballs. Guests in your ears, guests
Lauran: in your eyes,
Jordan: put some peepers on it. There you go.
Lauran: Uh, and you can also see it on Spotify now.
Jordan: That is true. Spotify has a visual element.
Lauran: So, Spotify and YouTube, you can look at our gorgeous little faces.
Jordan: Um, maybe yours, not mine.
Lauran: Oh, I think your face is gorgeous.
Jordan: Real werewolf y.
Lauran: Oh my gosh. Well, we're your hosts, Lauren and Jordan Woolley.
Jordan: This show is Did you say werewolf
Lauran: y? Yeah.
Jordan: I haven't gotten a haircut in Probably two and a half months, and I'm just debating on letting it go.
Eh, you're not at werewolf
Lauran: yet. No, you're not letting it. You do this every time. You debate letting it go. I say, no, you're gonna hate it. You do it anyway. You hate it, and then you cut it off. Yeah, I
Jordan: haven't done this cycle in a while. No, I don't want to do this cycle
Lauran: anymore.
Jordan: I think our executive producers would agree with me, Lauren and Jordan Woolley, Aaron Corny, Rob Goldman and Sean T.
Lauran: Our editor is Andrew
Jordan: Sims. Our engineer is Jason Portizzo.
Lauran: And our music is by Omer Benzvi. Give me that.
Jordan: Copy cuz I'm gonna read it
Lauran: here. You go. Thank
Jordan: you, sir If you want to learn about our program disclaimers and ethics policies in submission verification and licensing terms go to we are fine pod calm or reach out to us at Hello at hello nope nope or reach out to us at hello at we are fine pod dot com with any questions or or concerns because you probably had a lot
Lauran: or suggestion Yes.
Jordan: Or anything really. Yeah. If you wanna send me a picture of your cat, please. I would love to see your cat. Sure. I love
Lauran: cats. I like dogs better.
Jordan: You won't let me. You won't let me have a pet cat. Sad. I'm allergic. I know.
Lauran: We are fine as a human. Content production
Theme: are.
Hey you! I love that shirt you're wearing. And you know what would go great with that shirt? What? A nice big virtual hug. And you can get that by hitting some of these buttons down here. Subscribe, like, comment, we'll give you a big ol virtual hug.
Lauran: Thank you so much for listening and we will see you guys next Wednesday.
Bye! Bye!