Whether you’re a Gen Z screenager, a morbid Millennial, or an emotionally unavailable Gen X-er, there’s one thing we can all agree on… we are NOT prepared for this life thing. And, it’s starting to look like nobody’s coming to the rescue.

 As an educator trauma bonded to social media and lifelong human, Lauran Woolley has learned one essential truth above all else – history repeats itself. Each week, join Lauran and Jordan Woolley as they are thrown into the deep end of some truly heinous games all in the pursuit of self-improvement for the future. From reenacting pivotal moments in history (see: surviving the Civil War as a circus clown) to solving a SAW-style escape room through crafting the perfect text for cancelling dinner plans - their pain is your gain. As we journey together towards preparedness, should at any point you start to feel nervous about mastering these critical life skills, just keep repeating this mantra: WE ARE FINE!


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